Opening your account

How do I open an account if I am a Japanese citizen?

Please apply for account opening through Japanese web site.

When you have Japanese driver’s license or My Number Card (individual number card), you can complete the application by uploading identification document via smartphone.

*When you do not have either of them, application will complete with identification document submitted by mail.
【口座開設のご案内 | SBI新生銀行 (sbishinseibank.co.jp)】

If you do not read and write Japanese, please print out an application form or request a Starter Kit from the links below.
【Download an application form】

【Apply online】
*Japanese nationals are required to fill in their full name into the Kanji name and Katakana name columns.

Please send back the application form and other necessary documents to us.
New account will be opened in one to two weeks after the documents reach us.

■Required Identification Document for account opening
Identification documents must be submitted with one of the following combinations.
All documents must confirm your name, date of birth and current address.

■Combination 1: A and A
■Combination 2: A and B
■Combination 3: C
*A, B and C refer to one document which you should choose from the respective category A, B or C as follows.

Identification documents in Category A are:
Please ensure that the document is within its validity period or currently valid.
◎ A copy of Japanese driver’s license
◎ A copy of Driving record certificate *運転経歴証明書(unten keireki syomeisyo)

Please ensure the seal on the lower right of the front side is clear
 ・If new information is shown on the reverse side, please ensure the correction seal is clear.
 ・Please black out sensitive information (conditions of license, etc.).
 ・Please do not black out other information.

◎ A copy of Passport
 ・Please send copies of the page with your photograph and the page with your address.
 ・If the address on the page with your address has been amended, your passport cannot be accepted.
 ・Your Kanji name is required to be confirmed on the holder’s information page.
 ・Please black out the permanent domicile.
 ・Passports applied for after February 4, 2020, do not have a holder’s information section and therefore cannot be used.

◎ A copy of My Number Card (individual number card)
 ・Please send a photocopy of the front side to confirm name, address, date of birth and photograph.
 ・Photocopy of the back side (with Individual Number) is not required.
 ・In event you need to change your address or other personal information, please update at your municipal office and send the updated version to us.
 ・Please black out the section for organ donation.
 ・My Number Notification Card cannot be accepted as an identification document because there is no photograph.

◎ A copy of Health insurance card
 ・Please send a copy with your address, full name, and date of birth. “記号・番号・保険者番号” should be blacked out. For card-type insurance cards, please also black out the QR code.
 ・If the address is not shown on the front of the card-type insurance card, please write your current address in the address field on the back and send copies of both sides.
 ・Corrections must be stamped with the issuer’s seal, such as from the health insurance association. If the address correction has been made but not stamped by the issuer, or if it has been corrected with a sticker, it cannot be accepted.
 ・Please black out any company names that include political or religious information.

Identification documents in Category B are:
◎An original copy of a utility bill receipt (Landline telephone, electricity, water, gas or NHK)
 ・A photocopy is not acceptable.
 ・A receipt must be issued within six months.
 ・Receipts must have both name and an address, and must be the same as on your identification document. Should it differ, the receipts will not be considered as acceptable identification.
 ・Neither a letter of nonpayment nor a reminder notice are available.

Identification documents in Category C are:
◎ An original copy of a residence certificate (住民票 “juminhyo”)
◎ Certificate of entries recorded in Resident Record (住民票記載事項証明書 “juminhyo kisaijiko syomeisyo”)
◎ Personal seal registration certificate (印鑑登録証明書 “inkan toroku shomeisyo”)
 ・A photocopy is not acceptable.
 ・Documents must be issued within six months.
 ・Please provide all pages, including the page with issue date and seal of the issuer.
 ・Please prepare the original certificate for the account holder. If the certificate should include information regarding the household, please include those pages as well.
 ・Please issue a certificate without your Individual Number (My Number) and your permanent address (本籍地 “Honseki-chi”). We need to verify your current address on the certificate.
 ・If the certificate should have your Individual Number (My Number) and your permanent address (本籍地 “Honseki-chi”) printed on it, please black it out before sending.

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