Using online banking

[Smartphone authentication service] What procedure do I need to do when changing to another smartphone?

If you have registered for the Smartphone Authentication service and have changed your smartphone model, you will need to complete one of the following procedures:

1. If the version of the ‘VIP Access’ app is up-to-date and you have access to both the old and new smartphones, you can transfer the ‘VIP Access Credential’ to your new smartphone. For detailed instructions on the transfer, open the ‘VIP Access’ app on your smartphone and refer to ‘Migrate Credential’ from the menu in the top left corner.
*If you have changed your phone number, please update your phone number via Power Direct (Internet Banking) after transferring the ‘VIP Access Credential’.

2. If you do not have access to the old smartphone, please deregister the Smartphone Authentication service on your old smartphone and re-register the Smartphone Authentication service (Credential ID) on your new smartphone. *Credential ID refers to the ID of the “VIP Access” app required to use the smartphone authentication service.

STEP 1) Please unregister Smartphone Authentication on your old device

Please apply through our Procedure Request Form (click here).

Normally your request will be completed within one hour. However, please note that it may take longer during night hours or peak times.
*Please note that our Procedure Request Form is not compatible with Internet Explorer. We recommend using a different browser.
*Procedure Request Form is not available during daily maintenance hours from 12:00 AM to 6:00 AM.
*During the application process, we will need to verify your identity by checking your account number, PIN, and confirming receipt of an SMS on your registered mobile phone.

If you have changed your phone number and cannot receive SMS or use the Procedure Form, please contact us through the Callback Reservation Form to unregister.
【Call Back Reservation Form】

STEP 2) Please re-register your Credential ID from your new smartphone

① Please login to Power Direct with your branch code (3 digits) / account number (7 digits) and Power Direct password.

②Click "Registered Information" on the top right and then click "Smartphone Authentication".
※From smartphone: Tap "Customer Support" on the top right and then tap "Smartphone Authentication".

③ Download the "VIP Access for Mobile" app on your smartphone.

④When the download is completed, read “Customer Agreement on Smartphone Authentication” and tick the box; “Customer Agreement on Smartphone Authentication I agree with the above and download the Smartphone Application”.

⑤SMS or Telephone Authentication are required to register Smartphone Authentication on your new device.
Please enter an authentication code you receive via SMS or telephone into an input filed and click “submit” on Power Direct.

Termination of the Issuance of Security Code Cards and Addition of New Authentication

⑥Open the "VIP Access for Mobile" app on your smartphone and confirm the Credential ID and security code displayed on the app. Input this information on Power Direct and click "Register (Smartphone Authentication)".

⑦Approve the push notification shown on your smartphone to display the "Registration Complete" screen on the smartphone authentication terminal.

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